Providing Senior Home Care in London

Since 2003

As our loved ones age their health may diminish or demands may increase which can mean the level of support and care they require becomes overwhelming. You and your family may take this responsibility on entirely by yourselves but there are alternative support solutions that you should consider.

Senior Homecare By Angels provides flexible support for seniors and their families with services that include respite for family caregivers, meal preparation, hygiene assistance, transportation, companionship, and much more!

We have a wonderful group of experienced caregivers many of whom have been with us for many years. Having this core group of caregivers really enables us to successfully place the right caregiver with the right client – since we know them so well.

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Our Senior Home Care Services include:

Hygiene Assistance

Seniors who wish to remain in their own homes will need to maintain proper hygiene for health reasons and for psychological benefit of simply feeling good about themselves. Proper hygiene also helps seniors maintain the confidence to stay socially engaged.

Our experienced caregivers can provide personal hygiene services with tact and care in a professional manner. We introduce our caregivers to our clients prior to service to help build a relationship before personal care services are provided.

It can be extremely uncomfortable for both an adult child and the parent if they are required to provide this type of support. There is also the potential to cause injury to one or both parties if the assistance is not provided correctly.

By allowing an experienced health care professional to provide this service, rather than a family member, a friend or a neighbor, we can enhance our client’s dignity, help children and parents maintain their long standing roles and relationships, and ensure safe hygiene practices are followed.

Live-In Care

We offer a Live-In service that is an affordable way to receive 24-hour care if it is an appropriate care situation.  To learn more about our Live-In care service please review the video below:

Meal Preparation/Diet Monitoring

Proper nutrition is essential for good health. Many medications need to be taken with food. At times seniors living alone are not motivated to prepare balanced meals for themselves.

Having a caregiver prepare meals or monitor diet can ensure clients continue to feel in control of what and when they eat. Also they can enjoy a meal with their caregiver – or, at the very least, they can eat with someone to talk to – as meal times have always been associated with social family time. Of equal importance, having someone to eat with, or talk to while eating, encourages seniors to eat.

With this service an experienced caregiver will fully prepare or assist the client in preparing a meal. The client can have the type of meal they want, they choose, and they can eat at the time of their choosing. The meal can be cooked the way they like it as well.

Light Housekeeping

Seniors need to keep their homes clean for hygiene but equally, and perhaps even more importantly, for psychological reasons. Living in a clean environment is important for seniors. Living in an untidy or dirty home is a constant reminder of a senior’s loss of ability. When a clean home is maintained seniors are not constantly reminded of their loss of ability and are often more willing to have visitors to their home.

Our experienced caregivers will use the client’s own cleaning products and equipment which is beneficial to seniors who have a preference for certain products and don’t want a vacuum being moved from another person’s home into their own. We provide the service at a time of your convenience and maintain the same caregiver for consistency. Not only do seniors tend to look forward to the social time of having a caregiver visit, they also develop friendships with our team members over time.

Errands and Shopping

Many seniors begin to feel isolated, as they age. Should they give up or lose their driver’s license simple tasks like grocery shopping can become a challenge.

Having a caregiver pick up a list from a client, go shopping, bring the items back, and put them away can help seniors to maintain their independence and remain in their homes. Caregivers can also accompany a client in separate transportation to a grocery store and shop with him or her.

Ultimately, this caregiver services allows seniors to spend more time with their families during a visit because these chores have been taken care of by us.



Our transportation service enables seniors to attend appointments, go shopping, run errands, visit a friend and maintain their ability to get around in the community. The service includes a trained and experienced caregiver to accompany the senior on their outing. This service includes our regular service fee as well as a mileage charge.

Joyful Companionship

Social isolation can lead to depression, which can lead to other health concerns. Even when seniors have frequent visits with family it can be very beneficial to develop relationships with people who are not related.

Companionship can be as simple as having a chat, playing a game, or having someone read to you. It can even take place while other tasks are being performed, such as light housekeeping, meal preparation, or personal hygiene.

There are many benefits to companionship including many health related benefits such as warding off depression and isolation. Even when seniors have frequent visits with family it can be very beneficial to develop relationships with people who are not related as it gives seniors an opportunity to share their wisdom with others which can be quite fulfilling in and of itself.

Completely Flexible Support

Senior Homecare By Angels is a full service homecare agency. This means we can provide care from as little as 1 hour per week all the way up to 24 hours of care 7 days a week. Our support can be temporary or long term and can be provided during mornings, mid-day, or evenings. We align our services to fit your unique needs.

As well we offer a Live-In service that is an affordable way to receive 24-hour care if it is an appropriate care situation.

Our flexible support program enables clients to live exactly as they always have with care being provided when needed and in the most affordable way possible.

Having an agency that can meet all your potential needs is important as a client’s needs may change over time and having an agency that can change with you will enable seniors to remain in their as long as they wish.

Care Provided During Weekends & Holidays

Care is required at all times. In many cases it can be initiated on weekends and holidays as we have local office staff on call at all times.

Sometimes we are able to provide short term care for a client on a holiday so they can visit a relative. Again we are flexible enough to provide our clients with the care that they need when they need it.

Respite for Family Caregivers

Family caregivers need both a physical and emotional break from caregiving duties whether it’s a break to shop, socialize, sleep, or even just to care for him or herself. In our experience often times we find that the spousal caregiver passes away first due to exhaustion and not taking the time to care for his or her own health issues.

We offer flexible support that allows family caregivers the opportunity to enlist our help when it is most convenient for either long term or short term durations.